If I Ran my School…

 School by Justine Warrington @flickr

Teacher by val_godel @flickr

Hey guys, I’m back and today I’m going to be telling you about how much school has changed over the past years. One smaller thing that I have noticed is that at first teachers had chalkboards/blackboards, then dry-erase boards/white boards, and now Smartboards. If you don’t know what a Smartboard is, it’s  basically just a touch screen board. A gigantic change is also that in the past books used to be the only thing to learn from. Now in many classrooms, kids watch videos online, look up things on the internet for projects, and read articles that are online. One more recent change that I have observed, well at my school at least is that the grading scale has changes. It used to be that 100%-94% was an A, 93%-89% was a B, 88%-81% was a C, 80%-76% was a D,and  75% and under was an F. Now it’s 100%-90% is an A, 89%-80% is a B, 79%-70% is a C, and 69% and under is an I. If you don’t know what I stands for, it stands for incomplete. I have hyperlinked the sites that I used to help find some of this information: How school has changed technology info      How school has changed info

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to rule your school? Well I have and I think that it would be really fun. So today I’m going to be telling you about what I would do if I were the principal at my school. The fist thing that I would do is change the dress code. I would change this by letting kids wear shorts that were finger tip length. They could also wear tank tops. I would also let kids wear shoes without backs. The final way I would change the dress code is by letting kids wear hats. They reason I would do this is because a great way to express yourself is by what you wear. Another thing that I would change is making locker breaks longer so that if someone has to go to the bathroom they can during that time. The reason behind this is because some teachers won’t let their students use the bathroom at all, and it would also make less interruptions during class. This way kids can focus and the teacher won’t have to stop what they are doing when a student asks them if they can use the restroom.



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